Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. – Helen Keller
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. – Helen Keller
My Story

After several grueling days of swinging back-and-forth between dread and hope, the bone marrow biopsy results came in on March 31, 2016. My sister Fatima called from Florida where she and my parents live and said she was going to figure out how to add my brother Carlos to the call. Once we were all on the line, my sister tried to steady her voice: “Dad. Cancer. CMML. It’s a type of leukemia…” My sister was on the frontlines, attempting to translate English medical jargon into Portuguese that my dad and mom could grasp, so they could begin to understand what had just detonated in our lives.
As this new reality sunk in over the coming weeks, we learned that my dad, João Carlos Queirós, at 65 was the exact median age for this rare CMML diagnosis. Dad has cancer, I found myself repeating throughout my busy days, as if each repetition would help this new reality settle in. We learned of elevated monocytes, survival rates, and—the hardest thing to accept—that the standard protocol in our specific situation was to “watch and wait.”
Now, more than two years later, my father’s condition is still thankfully stable, but I can’t just watch and wait. I’ve made it my life mission to do whatever it takes to work towards a cure for blood cancers—not just for Dad, but for so many others who I’ve met and who I may never meet and yet we share this all too common experience.
In April of 2017, I ran my first half marathon through Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training and raised over $2,000 with the help of my friend and coach, Dr. Kim Yarnall. Towards the end of 2017, I officially became part of Team Kim 2018. Kim was nominated—and ultimately won— the 2018 LLS Woman of the Year distinction. During the 10-week campaign, I had the privilege of meeting Schyler Herman, a brave 15-year-old student from Pleasant Valley High School who was diagnosed with leukemia on Kim’s birthday, October 2, 2017. Schyler was Team Kim’s 2018 Honored Hero during the campaign. I would come to learn that Schyler and I share the same birthday of March 20th (sometime the universe winks to let us know we are on the right path). The connections I formed and the sense of purpose I found through the LLS MWOY campaign and the Herman family is one of the main reasons I decided to accept the nomination for LLS Woman of the Year made by my friends on Team Kim.
I’m proud to be a candidate and dedicated to bringing all of my work and volunteer experience to bear on raising as much as possible for cancer research (our goal is to fund at least three research grants). I believe my personal connection to this mission, work experience, and philanthropic background will serve me well in this pursuit. I currently hold a challenging and rewarding position as the Waterpark Group Sales Manager at nearby Kalahari Resorts. Prior to joining Kalahari, I studied business management in college and worked in the medical field for seven years before starting my own event planning business (where speaking three languages—English, Portuguese, and Spanish—came in handy).

With my loving family, I live in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania where I’ve always given back to the community, whether through working at the United Way of Monroe County or as a co-founder in 2009 of Youth Infusion, Inc., a non-profit organization empowering young people to impact their communities and the world through service-learning.
With the help and generosity of others, I’m dedicated to bringing us one step closer to beating cancer.
For you, Dad. For everyone affected by this disease. I’m just getting started.
What is the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Man & Woman of the Year?
Man & Woman of the Year is philanthropic competition to support blood cancer research among a group of motivated and dedicated individuals in communities across the United States. Candidates form powerful fundraising teams and compete in honor of two local children who are blood cancer survivors.
Why Support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Every 3 minutes someone in the United States is diagnosed with blood cancer.

More than 1/3 of blood cancer patients do not survive 5 years after their diagnosis.

Every 9 minutes someone dies in the United States of a blood cancer.
Sponsorship Partner Opportunities

Company highlighted as Presenting Sponsor in every instance of the local event title
Company logo displayed on candidate billboards across the Lehigh Valley Area
Grand Finale program books – Premier color logo recognition on program book front cover
Two-page black & white spread in the Grand Finale program book _Center
Two tables of 10 to the Grand Finale Gala Celebration (20 tickets)
Recognition in the LLS annual report – 20,000 distributed nationally
“Reserved” table sign with company name and logo
Recognition in event related media coverage and/or press releases distributed to local media
Company logo displayed on event signage and 2019 recruitment collateral
On stage podium recognition at the Grand Finale Gala Celebration
Logo and link on the local pages of the LLS Man & Woman Year’s website
Company name listed on signage at all EndCancer00 with Team Elika events during 10-week campaign
Company name and logo listed on EndCancer00 with Team Elika website (
Company name mentioned on all EndCancer00 with Team Elika Social Media platforms
Company name and logo featured on event banners
Company name and logo featured at June 2, 2019 5K Run/Walk Festival EndCancer00 with Team Elika Event,
Including on all T-shirts provided to all participating runners
Company information and marketing materials placed in June 2, 2019 5K Race swag bags
Activation available: Toast to Heroes; Experience of the Year; Mission & Citizenship; Lights, Camera, Action

Company highlighted as Presenting Sponsor in every instance of the
local event title
Company logo displayed on candidate billboards across the Lehigh Valley
Opportunity to speak at Grand Finale
Premiere placement of one b/w full page advertisement in
Grand Finale program book
One table of 10 to the Grand Finale Gala Celebration
Recognition in the LLS annual report – 20,000 distributed nationally
“Reserved” table sign with company name and logo
Recognition in event related media coverage and/or press releases distributed to local media
Company logo displayed on event signage and 2019 recruitment collateral
On stage podium recognition at the Grand Finale Gala Celebration
Logo and link on the local pages of the LLS Man & Woman Year’s website
Company name listed on signage at all EndCancer00 with Team Elika events during 10-week campaign
Company name and logo listed on EndCancer00 with Team Elika website (
Company name mentioned on all EndCancer00 with Team Elika Social Media platforms
Company information and marketing materials placed in June 2, 2019 5K Race swag bags
Activation available: Toast to Heroes; Experience of the Year; Mission & Citizenship; Lights, Camera, Action

Premiere placement of one b/w full page advertisement in Grand Finale program book
One table of 10 to the Grand Finale Gala Celebration
Recognition in the LLS annual report – 20,000 distributed nationally
“Reserved” table sign with company name and logo
Full page b/w advertisement in Grand Finale program book
Recognition in event related media coverage and/or press releases distributed to local media
Company logo displayed on event signage and 2019 recruitment collateral
On stage podium recognition at the Grand Finale Gala Celebration
Logo and link on the local pages of the LLS Man & Woman Year’s website
Company name listed on signage at all EndCancer00 with Team Elika events during 10-week campaign
Company name and logo listed on EndCancer00 with Team Elika website (
Company name mentioned on all EndCancer00 with Team Elika Social Media platforms
Activation available: Red Carpet Live; Location, Location, Location; The Envelope Please; All Star Sponsor; Going Once, Twice, Sold

GOLD SPONSOR – $10,000
“Reserved” table sign with company name and logo
Full page b/w advertisement in Grand Finale program book
Recognition in event related media coverage and/or press releases
distributed to local media
Company logo displayed on event signage and 2019 recruitment collateral
On stage podium recognition at the Grand Finale Gala Celebration
Logo and link on the local pages of the LLS Man & Woman Year’s website
8 tickets to Grand Finale Gala Celebration
Company name listed on signage at all EndCancer00 with Team Elika events during 10-week campaign
Company name and logo listed on EndCancer00 with Team Elika website (
Company name mentioned on all EndCancer00 with Team Elika Social Media platforms
Activation available: Double Down; Ride in Luxury; Alumni; After Party; Motivation Frenzy

Full page b/w advertisement in Grand Finale program book
Recognition in event related media coverage and/or press releases distributed to local media
Company logo displayed on event signage and 2019 recruitment collateral
On stage podium recognition at the Grand Finale Gala Celebration
Logo and link on the local pages of the LLS Man & Woman Year’s website
6 tickets to Grand Finale Gala Celebration
Company name listed on signage at all EndCancer00 with Team Elika events during 10-week campaign
Company name and logo listed on EndCancer00 with Team Elika website (
Company name mentioned on all EndCancer00 with Team Elika Social Media platforms
Activation available: Entertainment; Glam Squad; Hydration & Libations

Full page b/w ad in the Grand Finale program book – $1,000 value
Logo placement on audio visual scroll and signage at event
Logo on the local pages of the LLS Man & Woman Year’s website
4 tickets to Grand Finale
Company name listed on signage at all EndCancer00 with Team Elika events during 10-week campaign
Company name and logo listed on EndCancer00 with Team Elika website (
Company name mentioned on all EndCancer00 with Team Elika Social Media platforms
Activation available: Candidate Midnight Madness; Team Member Midnight Madness; Operation Inspire; Treat Yourself; Unsung Heroes

Two (2) tickets to the Grand Finale
Half page black & white ad in program book
Company name listed on signage & power point presentation shown at the Grand Finale – 425 attendees
Company name listed on signage at all EndCancer00 with Team Elika events during 10-week campaign
Company name and logo listed on EndCancer00 with Team Elika website (
Company name mentioned on all EndCancer00 with Team Elika Social Media platforms

Company name listed on signage at all EndCancer00 with Team Elika events during 10-week campaign
Company name and logo listed on EndCancer00 with Team Elika website (
Company name mentioned on all EndCancer00 with Team Elika Social Media platforms

Company name and logo listed on EndCancer00 with Team Elika website (
Company name mentioned on all EndCancer00 with Team Elika Social Media platforms